Internal Communication Leadership

IC Leadership

With AI now making it possible for virtually anyone to create and distribute almost limitless amounts of pointless noise, it’s vital for Internal Communication Specialists to:

  • give people a set of credible practice standards to follow
  • enable them to meet those standards
  • check they’re doing so
  • provide the necessary support for anyone who can’t or won’t meet those standards.

This is the new era of IC Leadership.  And it offers you never-before-possible opportunities.  This course will show you how. 

What’s In It For You?

Learning IC Leadership can help you:

  1. achieve all the influence you desire
  2. contribute at a completely new level
  3. secure all the budget and time you and your team need to do your jobs exactly as you wish
  4. take your confidence, and that of all your team, to an unprecedented level – and (this is the really groovy part) make that confidence ‘shareable’ among everyone in your organisation
  5. provide you with all the opportunities you desire for the rest of your career.


This IC Leadership programme will give you:

  1. A robust understanding of your untapped potential: what IC Leadership can deliver for your employer
  2. A clear, realistic picture of what your best working life could (and should) look like
  3. A road map for getting from wherever you are now to where you want to be
  4. A Model for establishing a mandate to do your job exactly as you desire – which your leadership team can get genuinely excited about
  5. A business case for securing everything you desire, and the know-how to recreate it wherever your career takes you in the future
  6. An actionable plan for realising everything you desire.

What’s In It For Your Employer?

Sample benefits include:

  • Happier, more fulfilled employees
  • Fewer mistakes and misunderstandings
  • Less stress and frustration across the workforce
  • Greater cohesion within and between teams
  • Increasing psychological safety
  • Improved employee loyalty
  • Enhanced innovation
  • Better customer service
  • Lower operating costs
  • Greater competitive edge
  • Growing brand value



Fifteen 90 minute sessions

Class sizes

Minimum class size: 4

Maximum class size: 10

Inclusive support package

The course package includes:

  • A fully-scripted PPT presentation
  • The ‘REALISE’ IC Practice Audit package
  • The ‘Wish-List Builder’ package
  • A follow-up one-to-one coaching session


Prices vary depending on the number of delegates you have. Progressive discounts apply to teams of more than four.

Download the course outline