Making Internal Communication truly work for your organisation
Two things you need to know
- It’s likely you have extraordinary potential to:
save loads of time (for yourself and everyone else)
improve employee well-being
reduce staff turnover
enhance customer experience
lower your organisation’s operating costs
increase brand value…
…if you optimise your organisation’s Internal Communication (IC) practices and infrastructure.
2. We can enable you to achieve this within 12 months. How come?
Four things you need to understand
Everyone does internal communicating
Think about it. Not everyone manages people. Not everyone manages budgets, or IT systems, or does sales, or drafts policies. But everyone communicates – at least with their boss; usually with their colleagues, and (if they do manage people) with their team.
This means IC is unique in that it’s the only business activity about which you can truthfully say “Anyone can do it”. But although that assertion is literally true, it also has a colloquial meaning, does it not? If someone says “Well, anyone can do that” they’re suggesting it takes no specialist skills to do it well.
And as email overload and Death by PowerPoint show, that second meaning is far from true.
Internal communicating affects every other business activity
There’s nothing that goes on inside your organisation which isn’t affected – to some extent – by IC. Internal Communication provides at least some of the ‘raw material’ with which everyone is thinking about at least some aspects of their work.
The better the IC, the better everyone’s thinking can be, and the better the work they’re likely to produce.
Almost no one can be relied upon to do it effectively
Spoiler alert: human beings are not born with an ‘Internal Communication Gene’ hard wired into their DNA.
It is therefore absurd to expect anyone to just instinctively ‘know’ how to identify what needs communicating to whom, when and how, in any business situation they ever encounter – without being taught how to do so.
Communication training courses (eg writing skills, interpersonal skills, presentation skills etc) tend to focus on how to execute communications – not how to identify what (if anything) needs communicating in the first place.
People can craft beautifully worded emails, and still send them to loads of people for whom they’re a waste of time (or they hit the ‘Reply All’ button when only one person needs that reply).
You’re probably not measuring its impact
There’s the old adage that “What gets measured gets managed”. And although everyone probably has a nebulous idea that inefficient and ineffective IC is probably costing a lot, few people attempt to measure it. So it’s not being managed.
This means it’s probable your organisation is unconsciously sitting on a vast reservoir of untapped potential.
One practical step you can take
A FREE workshop
The truth is your Internal Communication Team are almost certainly sitting on an eye-watering amount of as-yet-unrealised value-adding capacity.
But how can you help them realise it?
We offer a free, 90 minute, ‘Dare to Dream’ workshop in which we’ll help you and your IC Specialists understand how you can:
- credibly measure that potential
- identify everything needed to start realising it
- put together an irresistible business case for getting everything needed to make it happen.