A mandate to perform

No amount of…

  • …skill,
  • budget,
  • business knowledge,
  • experience,
  • enthusiasm,

  • or robust practice designs…

…is going to enable you and your team to win the Communication Game if you don’t also have a mandate to use all those other resources:

  • every time
  • forever.

We’ve identified three different types of mandate you could go for:

  • Technical
  • Financial
  • Cultural

You’ll definitely need the first of these. You’ll almost certainly need the second. And the third may be optional, depending on the type of organisation you work for.

And if you want to start building these mandates, we have a Dream-Builder day designed precisely for that purpose.


This starts by establishing the principle of that all your organisation’s working practices should be Demonstrably Fit for Valid Purposes.

As far as internal communication is concerned, those practices can be enshrined in your organisation’s business policies and procedures for IC. And the requirement to follow them can be written into the job remits of the IC Function, and of each individual member of your team.

All Communication Game training courses teach DFVP practices. And we provide you with the documentation upon which you can base those business policies and job remits.

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If you conduct an IC financial audit, you can demonstrate the financial impact of not being able to work the way you want. 

These numbers should secure you the mandate you seek.

You can even get some ballpark figures together by downloading a FREE demo copy of our REALISE tool.  This will help you see the kind of untapped commercial potential you’re sitting on.



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This will have more impact in some organisations than others, because it comes from explicitly aligning your working practices to your organisation’s values. Again, anyone asking you to work in any other way puts them in the untenable position of being in demonstrable conflict with those values. During GAME 1 we’ll give you the essential framework with which you can do the necessary aligning.