Do you have…
…Justifiable confidence…
…in all your organisation’s Internal Communication Practices?
does email overload still exist?
are some meetings a bit of a waste of time?
is Death by PowerPoint still occasionally a thing?
do some employees complain their managers aren’t communicating well enough?
And if any of these ring a bell, have you thought through how much untapped potential you’re sitting on? Because…
…Internal Communication:
is the only business activity which everybody is doing in your organisation
pervades every other business activity – providing every employee with at least some of the ‘raw material’ with which they’re thinking about their work, and their relationship with their employer.
The better the communicating, the better that raw material, and the better their work.
This means, the better the communicating, the better your organisation’s reputation and brand value, and the lower its operating costs.
…human beings aren’t born with an ‘Internal Communication Gene’ which would enable anyone you employ to instinctively know how to get it right (hence email overload etc.)
That’s why we developed the Justifiable Confidence Model, which delivers Internal Communication practices which are Transparently Fit for Valid Purposes (TFVP). We can teach these to your Internal Communication team. And we can help them to pass on and even ‘govern’ these practices across your management teams (much as your Finance specialists oversee budget management).
The net result is that everyone can have justifiable confidence in their own IC practices and those of everyone they’re working with.
And because Internal Communication pervades everything happening in your organisation… (do we need to spell it out for you?)
But there’s more, because you can apply the Justifiable Confidence Model to any business practice you like.
Learn more about our ‘TFVP’ Internal Communication training.
Learn more about the Justifiable Confidence Model.
If you conduct an IC financial audit, you can demonstrate the financial impact of not being able to work the way you want.
These numbers should secure you the mandate you seek.
You can even get some ballpark figures together by downloading a FREE demo copy of our REALISE tool. This will help you see the kind of untapped commercial potential you’re sitting on.


This will have more impact in some organisations than others, because it comes from explicitly aligning your working practices to your organisation’s values. Again, anyone asking you to work in any other way puts them in the untenable position of being in demonstrable conflict with those values. During GAME 1 we’ll give you the essential framework with which you can do the necessary aligning.