How you can easily measure your organisation’s untapped potential

A simple IC financial audit

REALISE is a tool and method for conducting a financial audit of your organisation’s current IC practices. 

It gives you a snapshot of needless IC costs your organisation is incurring every day.

Importantly, REALISE will also enable you to easily estimate the impact you could have on those costs.

The REALISE formula

We said it’s simple, and it is.

A full REALISE audit will identify five things:

  • The hourly costs of employing people in different roles.
  • How many hours those people are currently spending on different IC activities.

  • How many of those hours are going to waste because of the practices people have probably inherited from their predecessors.

  • How much impact you could have on the wasted time if your organisation were to introduce IC Practice Governance.

  • The investments you would need to make.

This will show the potentially eye-watering ROI you’re sitting on.

Try it for FREE

Would it be worth doing?
We recognise this is a different way of thinking about IC. So we’ve put together a demo version you can download for free, because we’d like you to be able to try it out for yourself.

It enables you to carry out a sort of ‘dry run’ – in just 10-15 minutes.

A full REALISE audit involves employee surveys.  With this free sample version you use your own experience and expertise to guesstimate the input figures. So the results of this dry-run will be rough ball-park figures. But the important thing is that they’ll almost certainly be in the right ball park.

So you (and any sponsor you might want to get on board) can take a better informed decision about running a formal REALISE audit.

Pick the currency you’d like to use, and access the free download page:
