the wish list builder day

What it is


The Wish List Builder Day is a planning and team-building event which will…

…honour any frustrations, concerns or vulnerabilities your team may have – whether individually or collectively…

…give them justifiable confidence to think big, for themselves and for the team…

…put together a practical plan to turn those dreams into a new everyday reality.

What’s in it for you?

You and your team will walk away with a plan to get every resource you need to achieve everything you want in the foreseeable future. And along the way you will:

  1. receive the guidance to help you define and refine your dreams, and ensure your professional goals fit with those for your personal life.
  2. understand what’s stopping you from having everything you need – both in terms of the practical resources you require, and possibly certain business policies or attitudes of particular key decision-makers
  3. identify every resource you want, to get to where you want to be, which you don’t currently have
  4. build an irresistible business case for all those resources
  5. learn how to repeat this process any time you need to do so throughout the rest of your career.

In short, this single day can be a life-long game-changer.

How it works

It can be a series of four 90 minute online sessions, run across one, two or four days. Or, if you’re in the UK or EU, you can get your team together for a live, in-person one-day event.

Prep questionnaire

To help avoid any blind-spots, we’ll give you a questionnaire to circulate to your key clients, and approval group members.  This will help you understand any frustrations and confidence-knockers they’re currently experiencing.  You’ll be able to factor these into your thinking as we work through everything you and your team need.

Session 1: Understanding your hidden value

This session is intended to free everyone up to dream as big as they want, rather than thinking: “Oh, I don’t dare.”

We work together to identify your team’s untapped commercial potential, using our simple IC financial auditing tool: REALISE. This enables you to carry out a ‘dry run’ of a financial audit, which can provide the financial case to get the funding for all your goals.  (You can download this tool and do it on your own, but going through it as a team enables everyone to experience the Wow factor together.)

 If your leadership team want more robust figures they can ask for a formal audit. But they may be convinced by your ballpark figures. And if they do want that formal audit, it will only be because they’re already bought into the concept.

Session 2: Defining and refining your goals

Here you and each member of your team can look at both personal and professional goals for the coming one, two, three and five years. Obviously the further away they are, the harder it can be to be specific. But taking that longer term view can help set the direction for those closer to home. (Inevitably we allow for the fact that, sometimes, some people may want to focus solely on their professional goals.)

We check for any potential conflicts between the domestic and professional goals, and identify the key resources and actions needed to make them happen. It’s possible (if not probable) that these goals may lead to gaps or overlaps within your team structure. So the insights you’ll gain from this session will be invaluable in helping you plan your team’s development beyond this workshop.

Session 3: Building your wish-list

We invite everyone to think about their current situation, and identify any and every block they can think of which could stop them achieving what they want. These may be specific resources, such as time, budget, skills or budget. They may also include systemic issues; business policies and procedures, or attitudes of more senior people.

Then we turn to the Communication Game’s bespoke Wish List-Builder tool to help tease out any and every resource your team will need – collectively and as individuals – to get to where they want to be. And where appropriate, we guesstimate any investments needed.

Session 4: Planning next steps

We wrap up by identifying all the key decision-makers you’ll need to get on board, tease out their possible objections, and identify what’s in it for them.

Then we map out the specific actions needed to get their agreement, assign responsibilities, and put dates in the calendar.

Book a no-obligation exploratory call