Why we need this new paradigm
What if:
your organisation were to adopt a paradigm in which those eleven key changes are now playing out…
- Rather than following the demonstrably unfit concept of ‘best practice’…
…everyone is now pursuing practices which are Demonstrably Fit for Valid Purposes?
Having a demonstrably robust process for designing new practices will maximise the possibilities of them doing the job that needs doing from the start. And it will also make it easier for everyone to see instantly where they’re coming up short in different circumstances, so they can be refined appropriate as quickly as possible.
This, of course can apply to any business activity, but it will work a whole lot better if the very internal communicating people are doing when designing those practices are DFVP from the start.
- Rather than continuing with the possibility of everyone having different definitions of Internal Communication…
…there is now a clear, stable, valid definition everyone can understand and rely on?
This will significantly reduce or even eliminate the possibility of people talking at cross purposes when discussing internal communication. And this in turn should help them arrive at a valid consensus more quickly about the origins of communication problems and what to do to solve them.
- Rather than people trying to convince others that a particular internal communication practice is ‘fit for purpose’ without haven’t yet defined and validated that purpose…
… internal communication now has a clearly defined and demonstrably valid purpose?
This will reduce or eliminate any potential in-fighting about ‘the right way to communicate this’. And it will also maximise the possibility of employees cutting to the chase with their own communications, and accurately call out flaws in those of their colleagues.
- Rather than muddling through without a clear set of criteria which tell you if your internal communication practices are fit for purpose…
…everyone can now instantly tell when a practice is unfit for purpose, and flag it up immediately?
This will maximise the possibility of employees being able to give TRACELACE feedback on the communications they themselves are receiving. And it will also help them know if their own internal communications are fit for purpose – which can help reduce needless and sub-optimal communications.
- Rather than everyone’s expectations of each other’s communication abilities being wrong…
…those expectations are now realistic, and that reality was being worked with and improved?
This will help reduce or eliminate any need for any employees to feel defensive about shortfalls in their internal communication capabilities. It should also help foster a healthier culture within the organisation, where people feel increasingly safe to ask for help with their communication abilities when they need it.
- Rather than having an incomplete and largely theoretical awareness of Internal Communication’s business value…
…your leadership team have credible hard numbers with which to make business decisions about its management and governance.
This will help those leaders make increasingly effective decisions about when, where, and how much to invest in improving and maintaining the internal communication abilities of employees across the organisation, so those investments can deliver the best ROI.
- Rather than the internal communication function having to work without all the resources they need…
…you are now being given everything you need, all the time.
This will mean the core communications – which are providing that key ‘raw material’ with which everyone else is thinking about at least some of their work activities – is as TRACELACE as can be. This in turn can only help underpin the quality of everyone else’s work – including their internal communicating.
- Rather than internal communications being blamed for things that aren’t internal communications…
…your organisation’s IC practices are now able to both significantly reduce the need for any such blame, and ensure any outstanding responsibilities are accurately identified, and rapidly and conclusively resolved?
This will mean employees being able to effectively support the organisation’s overall internal communication infrastructure, so they’re getting what they need when and how they need it, and can feedback appropriately when they have a worthwhile contribution to make.
- Rather than employees being unconsciously switched off by some of the internal communications they’re receiving…
…everyone is now always remaining switched on throughout all the communications to which they need to be paying attention?
This will significantly reduce or even eliminate the possibility of internal communication failures, and the mistakes and misunderstandings which almost inevitably arise as a result.
- Rather than using external communication models which are demonstrably unfit for internal communication…
…employees are increasingly using only bespoke practices which are demonstrably fit for the validated purpose and the unique needs of internal communication?
This will maximise the possibility of internal communications fulfilling their purposes as efficiently and effectively as possible.
- Rather than expecting people to come away from ‘skills training’ courses with new skill sets…
…they are now being given enough time to assimilate and practice new learning?
This will maximise the possibility of employees being able to implement all their learning, and for the organisation to optimise the ROI it receives from paying for training.
And if we were to combine all of these paradigm shifts together, they can only increase – possibly significantly – your organisation’s business efficiency, employees’ emotional well-being, external stakeholder delivery, and the fulfilment of the organisation’s reason for being.
In short, your organisation’s operating costs can be significantly lower, and its brand reputation significantly higher.